The school of Electronic music and Composition with new technologies is located at the 5th floor of Palazzo Pisani in campo Santo Stefano, sestriere San Marco.

Studios and lesson/study rooms have been converted from the former servants apartment. They are between 15 and 20 square meters and overlook either the second courtyard or the west-nortwest urban landscape. Foam-stuffed curtains improve soundproofing; audio cables run through on-wall wiremold and multiple ethernet sockets make a Gigabit LAN available in every room. Some outdated hardware and computers are scattered here and there.

The concert hall of the Conservatory was converted from the original ballroom of the early 18th century. The medium-size concert space is now equipped with an eight-channel d&b sound system, which can also take advantage of its double height architecture.

"The 8-channel sound system was one of the best I've had the privilege to use, and very well suited to the lovely space you have there."

Barry Truax

Studio 133

Studio 134

Vintage studio 135

Lesson room 131

Study room 132

Entry room 141

Storage room 137

Concert hall

Palazzo Pisani within the city landscape
Map of the building - fifth floor

Studio 133

to the top

Studio 134

The studio is equipped with a 5.1 Genelec near-field sound system. to the top

Vintage studio 135

The studio is equipped with several devices in use from the 60s until the 90s. The equipment is wired and working, and intended for educational purposes. Besides that, in the the room are deposited many tapes and mass storages from the early years of the school, along scores and a documental archive. to the top

Lesson room 131

The room is equipped with a piano. It is indended for personal study and individual composition lesson.

to the top

Study room 132

The room is a large space intended for personal study and lecturing. It is equipped with desktop computers which became outdated since every student got used to bring his own laptop. It is planned to replace them and convert the space into a laboratory for physical computing and live electronics experimentation.

to the top

Entry room 141

to the top

Storage room 137

Additional usable live electronics equipment, studio gear, and tools are storaged in this room. Several outdated sequencers, interfaces, and various other hardware elements from early personal computers are also gathered here: a forthcoming project will enhance the overall collection. A server and the network control unit are positioned here too. to the top

Concert hall

to the top
Studio 133
The view towards west-northwest from the windows of studio 133
Studio 134
Vintage studio 135
Lesson rooom 131
Study room 132
Entry room 141
Storage room 137
Concert hall
Concert hall